November 16, 2009


The toy kitchen project is still going strong. Here's an update that shows the little shelf, eyes on the stove and the genius no-pinch door design.

A sneak peek at our storage room. As I mentioned before, this room is an old cigar room (or maybe purposed for a future cigar room? as all Wisconsin bars will become smoke-free by law in 2010). Either way, for now it's the place where our yet-to-be-painted barstools and snowshoes and deer antlers and Christmas dishes and tattered, couldn't-part-with-them Appalachian Trail guidebooks live.

Also Dustan's workshop.


  1. Man Dust, I just love that little stove! If I had a little girl it would be under the tree this year.... j

  2. **squeal***
    so need fake felt food to go with this stuff and I'm your girl.

  3. Dustan how is the other project at the seed store going? I'm interested in hearing an update about that. The stove looks great, I know there will be some happy kids this CHRISTmas. ps - I have some ideas on how to catch some ghetto steelheads this spring.


Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it's not like a compulsive need to be liked. Like my need to be praised.